DOSCH DESIGN – Your innovative partner for a successful 3D-experience
Especially in the field of Automation, Mechanical Engineering, tool making or the automotive industry, 3D-Design has become an indispensable element. Photography can afford incredible, but it also has its limits. This is not least known in mechanical engineering, where custom-made products and often also exceptionally large objects are commonplace. In addition, machines are usually moved in assembly halls, which are not suitable as an environment for good photographs. That’s why many companies choose 3D-Design to perfectly showcase their products and services.
Helpful visualization tools for 3D- and marketing experts
DOSCH DESIGN has developed a lot of helpful visualization tools that make life easier for CAD experts and 3D-designers and have become an integral part of many users’ creative arsenal. The company places great importance on depicting 3D models realistically – no matter whether these relate to automation, manufacturing, engineering, vehicles, buildings or industry. Particular attention is paid to the many small technical details of the products. For instance, car models include detailed depictions of brakes, wheels, bumpers, bodywork, doors, seats and the electronics. These details are an important part of marketing for supply companies, developers and manufacturers who want to visualise processes for publications, animations, illustrations or instruction manuals. For buses, construction vehicles, digging or heavy machines, aeroplanes, yachts and helicopters, too, DOSCH DESIGN offers many different views and details.
Beside models of cars of typical manufacturer brands, DOSCH DESIGN has established products with non-branded versions of typical vehicles like concept cars or concept airplanes. These make it much easier regarding publishing of the final artwork.
Innovative, “ready to use” 3D-scenes for automation, manufacturing or automotive design
DOSCH DESIGN 3D scenes allow users to display products in a realistic environment and are a significant work relief and time and money saver for designers. The user can choose from various versions of Car Scenes, Factories, Exhibition Halls, Lofts and Office Scenes. Each of these products is available in two versions. The “light version” contains the pure environment, the “extended version” also contains people or vehicles.
Individual Services by DOSCH DESIGN
Beside the large product range the company offers extensive individual services in the field of 3D-design:
– Creation of individual 3D-models and 3D-scenes
– Creation of individual textures and materials
– 3D-data format conversion / 3D-data optimization / 3D-data reduction
– 3D-renderings and 3D-visualizations
Curious to know more? The website is worth a visit, as new developments are regularly published there. Using the website’s search function, customers can easily find the right product for their individual enquiry.
Test the products and get your free DOSCH DESIGN sample at:
Contact Information
Dosch Design Kommunikationsagentur GmbH
97828 Marktheidenfeld, Germany