CleanBoy® – Cleanest air in the smallest space CleanBoy® as a cost-effective and portable clean room alternative
A clean environment – i.e. free of particles and germs – plays an increasingly important role in various branches of industry.
Particularly in working areas where airborne dust particles can lead to manufacturing defects or poor quality and thus to financial losses, it consequently seems necessary to set up clean rooms whose purchase and maintenance are often associated with high costs.
However, it is not necessarily a must to build such costly and technically complex rooms – it is often just sufficient to create clean room conditions for a restricted sub-area.
Spetec’s cleanroom technology aims to remove particles with a diameter of 0.12 µm and larger in the narrowest of spaces, where the highest cleanliness standards must ensure a reliable process flow. Spetec’s mobile, ready-to-use cleanroom devices can be used for the assembly or storage of dust-sensitive mechanical or electronic components in the various sensible production. The mobile cleanroom workstation CleanBoy®, for example, enables users to create cleanroom conditions in any work area with effective results at low investment costs.
The CleanBoy® consists of a laminar flow module SuSi® (Super Silent) and a carrying frame made of anodized aluminium profiles. The air is aspirated from the ambient air via a pre-filter, filtered through a high-performance filter of type H14 and directed laminar over the workplace. The filter has a separation efficiency of 99.995%, i.e. the filter separates at least 99.995% of all particles with a particle size of 0.12 μm (according to MPPS). You therefore work under ISO 5 clean room conditions on the tabletop of the unit.
By using the CleanBoy® in a large, walk-in clean room, a limited space is created where practically no particles can be detected. The device is available as a tabletop and floor-mounted unit on wheels. It requires no installation and is ready for use immediately after delivery.
Spetec GmbH
Am Kletthamer Feld 15
D-85435 Erding
Telefon +49 8122-95909-0
Telefax +49 8122-95909-55