Introducing Simply Customs. The UK’s cheapest Customs Clearance Broker.
Exporting and importing goods is not just the core of any large, successful business; it also helps national economies grow and expand.
Following Brexit, if you move goods between the UK and countries in the EU, you need to follow new customs and tax rules. Don’t worry. Simply Customs can help you navigate all this.
Your business will be affected by the new rules if you:
- buy goods from an EU seller and bring them into the UK
- send goods you’ve sold to a buyer in an EU country
- haven’t exchanged money but need to move equipment that you use for your business, between the UK and the EU.
We understand this means a lot of changes are needed but Simply Customs will sort all your customs clearances for you.
For over 30 years Simply Customs have been providing an efficient, low cost, solution to UK customs clearances. We have adapted to the changes following BREXIT and our experienced customs brokers have ensured our customers goods keep moving.
We have used our industry expertise to develop digital solutions to customs clearance processes and have a fully trained team ready and waiting to handle all import and export entries.
We offer a professional, low-cost solution. We do this by sharing our economies of scales between all our customers to drive the cost of UK customs entries to its lowest possible price point.
UK customs entries, whether import or export, start at just £22.50 for a standard customs entry of up to three lines. There are no setup fees or hidden charges.
The process is easy. Visit today and fill out our quick and easy registration form. Then we will do the rest.
We can clear any mode (air, sea, road) at any sea port, ferry port or airport. Simply Customs performs entries for clients who import and export from Europe and the rest of the world.
Whether you are new to customs entries, as a result of BREXIT, or an experienced importer and exporter, we understand the cost of customs entries is significant to your business.
Simply Customs clients initially choose us for the price and then stay because of the service.
Visit and Register Today.